About Us
Love | Art | Play promotes original arts projects with professionals and non-professionals of all disciplines, encouraging them to step out of their safety zones to work on collaborative and original projects.
We hope to nurture and develop nascent talents that exist in our communities and provide opportunities for blossoming talents through workshops, lectures, and demonstrations. Many of the Love|Art|Play performances have raised funds for charities that benefit deserving men, women, and children of all ages. We aim to bring the experience of the arts to enrich, enlighten, inspire, and educate us all towards developing a more positive humanity.

To find out more information about Love Art Play's Board
Members click the link below.


Audience Member
"I have seen many years of dance and tonights dance was the best I have seen in many years.
It moved me and made me feel. It was stunning"

Community Member
“Finally, there is an opportunity for audience members, professionals, and emerging artists to express themselves"
Community Member
"Enrichment, engagement, collaboration and community-
LoveArtPlay manages to pull all those elements together"