Following various successful performances of "WrittenSpokenSung" by David Begelman and Don Lowe, Matilda Giampietro of the Wykeham Consort proposed her group of musicians do a fundraiser for LoveArtPlay, In early 2018, Arlene Begelman and Barbara Braverman met with Matilda to select a varied program of Sephardic musical pieces and songs from the Wykeham Consort's repertoire. The production evolved into a collaboration of poetry, passion and joy emphasizing the rhythms, songs and alluring melodies of French, Spanish, Sephardic and Arabic music, titled “Tales of Love." "Tales of Love" was first performed in April of 2018 at the Washington Montessori School Auditorium. Throughout the show, diverse types of love: romantic, motherly, sisterly platonic, abusive, and tragic were illustrated through multiple forms of art. The show featured professional dancer Anthony Johnson as well as classically trained dancer Kara Walsh with choreography by well known Fosse dancer MaryAnn Lamb. Furthermore, the Wykeham Consorts provided talented professional musicians: Erica Warnock on Viola da Gamba, Sarah Chelminski on varied recorders, Andy Lafreniere on classical guitar, lead singer Matilda Giampietro on castanets, and James Allen on percussion instruments.